Biological Sciences and Psychology

Dr. Neena Grover, Professor of Biochemistry and Chair of Faculty Executive Committee
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO
The nomination letter for Dr. Grover introduces her as an active and ambitious scholar, an engaged and wise mentor for her research students, and a leader and role-model for the women and women-of-color scientist community within her department and in the Division of Natural Sciences. An example of her innovative learning-centered and student-centered pedagogy is the Community Based Learning approach used in Biochemistry II to understand HIV/AIDS transmission, prevention and treatment. Through Dr. Grover’s relationship with the Southern Colorado Aids Project students from the class make community presentations on these topics and use their conceptual learning in interdisciplinary community engagements. Dr. Grover consistently mentors students in collaborative research and regularly publishes results with student co-authors. Her outstanding engagement of students in science outreach and research was recently recognized by a commendation from the Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Dr. Grover’s authentic passion for learning and discovery is seen in comments to a group of faculty: “the joy of science is really in doing it. It’s really about having a sense of wonder. I want students to get an idea of why, as well as how one does research, and to see that they can ask and make progress toward answering complex questions.” Dr. Grover will be recognized for her contributions to undergraduate research and educationby presenting the Janet Andersen Lecture at the 2018 Midstates Consortium Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological Sciences and Psychology.
Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science

Dr. Joanne Stewart, Elmer E. Hartgerink Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Hope College, Holland, MI
Dr. Stewart’s background in synthetic inorganic chemistry, her passion for supporting authentic student learning, and her innovative curricular approaches are evident in her work to establish IONiC and VIPEr ( The Intellectual Online Network of Inorganic Chemists is a vibrant virtual ‘community of practice’ for the collaborative development and dissemination of learning materials through the Virtual Inorganic Pedagogical Electronic Resource website. During her 30 years at Hope Dr. Stewart has been eager to incorporate new pedagogies that more effectively engage students, such as group activities, case studies, and integrative learning, all with the goal of developing a community of learners who can relate their coursework to world issues, their lives and the community in which they live. Dr. Stewart has routinely involved students in her laboratory research and her studies in chemical education and the scholarship of teaching and learning, with students as co-authors in resulting publications. Through interactions with students in the classroom or laboratory, or as an advisor or a mentor, Dr. Stewart has provided a supportive, compassionate approach in helping all students learn about and explore career, calling and life. Dr. Stewart will be recognized for her contributions to undergraduate research and education by presenting the Janet Andersen Lecture at the 2018 Midstates Consortium Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Physical Sciences, Math and Computer Science.